If you’ve ever received a quick pop-up message on your phone or computer—like “Message sent” or “Wi-Fi connected”—congratulations! You’ve experienced a toast notification.
A toast is a temporary notification that appears on your screen and disappears after a few seconds. Unlike alerts that require action (like a confirmation dialog), toasts are non-intrusive and don’t demand a response. They simply let you know something happened.
Because, much like a slice of bread in a toaster, these notifications pop up and then disappear—just like your breakfast does once you eat it (okay, maybe the metaphor isn’t perfect, but it’s fun!).
Toasts are meant to be helpful, not disruptive. That’s why they’re small, fade away, and don’t interrupt what you’re doing. According to Microsoft’s design guide, well-designed toast notifications should be clear, concise, and provide just enough information without cluttering your screen.
Next time you see a notification pop up and disappear, you’ll know it’s a toast! These simple, effective messages help keep us informed without getting in the way—just another example of good design at work.
Posted in Software Services