Sophie Haydar

UI/UX Designer
  • Joined Counterpart in 2024
  • Favorite food: anything cooked on a grill
  • Fun fact: Sophie speaks 2 languages - English and French!
  • Joined Counterpart in 2024
  • Favorite food: anything cooked on a grill
  • Fun fact: Sophie speaks 2 languages - English and French!

Sophie first fell in love with technology when she received an iPod Touch for Christmas. Using it felt almost magical, sparking a lifelong fascination with how design impacts how we experience technology. She pursued this passion for design academically, earning a B.S. in User Experience (UX) Design from Purdue University.

Now, Sophie is dedicated to creating technology that is not only intuitive but also enjoyable to use. She combines her creative flair and analytical prowess to tackle complex challenges, aiming to infuse moments of joy and excitement into every user interaction.

Outside of Counterpart, Sophie enjoys knitting and spending quality time with her cat, Pippa. She also loves to bake, using her creativity to create the custom birthday cakes she makes for friends and family each year.