Since our founding in 1993, Counterpart (formerly WDD) has operated primarily under the radar, but with great success thanks to our awesome clients, partners, and friends in the community. On a cold Valentine’s Day in 2014, we wanted to show our friends, clients, and neighbors how much they meant to us.
At the time, we had been working with Long’s Bakery for about six months, so donuts were regularly on our minds! We decided to load up the company car with more than 40 dozen donuts, and made our rounds through eight inches of snow to spread a little classic yeast donut cheer.
July 2016: a full-team (then, as WDD) Donut Run
In the spirit of the original donut run we regularly put together a list of clients, friends, new acquaintances, and people we’d like to get to know. We take the list, divide it up among a few teammates, and pick a day to say “hey!” with a dozen (or two) of Long’s donuts. Six years strong and under a new banner, the tradition continues!
Posted in Company